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The apostle Paul: "If somebody thinks he knows something, then he does not yet know as he should know (1 Cor. 8.2)!"

Christian Scientific Studies

The Late Roman Laws on Consanguinity and Affinity and their Patristic Background

The average reader might be interested in the interpretation of a few marital laws given in Leviticus chapter 18. See for that appendix II.

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PDF file. © F.C. Bouter.

Cicero's De Natura Deorum and Minucius' Octavius: An Example of the Influence of Pre-Christian Philosophy on Christian Apologetics

Ignoring the many quotes in Latin, the attentive reader may find it quite interesting to see that arguments and reasons of 22 centuries old and older are still employed today by religious people. For instance various arguments proposed between creationists and evolutionists today, and vice versa, can be traced back to similar reasonings as found here. Some of it is primitive theology and not at all as complicated as that of Aristotle.

Because of the scanning process, a few irregularities may have crept in.

HTML file. © F.C. Bouter.

PDF file. © F.C. Bouter.

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