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Christological Studies

"The Doctrine of Christ's (Absolute) Deity versus the Teachings of the Jehovah Witnesses"

This article addresses various salient truths about Christ's Person. Also His humanity is drawn into the picture. Main ideas of the Watch Tower Society (the organization of the Jehavah Witnesses so-called) are confronted. Bible verses as 'In Him dwells all the fulness of the divinity bodily' are shown to contradict the blasphemous idea that Christ is merely the first angel God created. Only Jesus as the God-Man could accomplish the salvific Work. No animal, human or angel was worthy enough to be the substitutionary sacrifice for our sins. Also the idea of the annihilation of the soul is touched upon.

If you agree with this study, it may be a good idea to print it out and have it ready the next time Jehovah witnesses pay you a visit. Perhaps you can even give it to them. I would appreciate that, as I pity these misguided souls. It might also be a good idea to witness to Mormons with this article, as they also wreak havoc with Christ's divinity.

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This study in .PDF format. If you do not have Adobe Reader, try for a free download:

"Christ as Portrayed in the Four Gospels in Connection with Old Testament Parallels

A Short Introduction to Biblical Symbolism and Typology"

This study in HTML format.

This study in .PDF format.

"Four Short Christological Analyses of Christ's Suffering on the Cross"

It is important for Christians to remember the N.T. words "Salvation comes out of the Jews." We thank our salvation to people from Abraham to the apostle Paul! The Lord used them in His grace.

This analysis in HTML format.

This analysis in .PDF format.


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