Dear reader say prayers for the governments that be; as the 21st century has had a gloomy beginning. For instance:
"Dear Lord Jesus, help the leaders of my country to do what is right in thy sight and for the people. Give them the health and strength they need and that they may not falter under pressure and that they may take the hard road rather than the easy way out. Safeguard them against corruption. Thank you, Lord Jesus, that you have given the sword of justice to watch over evil and good to the governments of this earth. Provide for them and last but not least, may they personally bow to thee, the Lord of lords and King of kings. Amen."
According to 1 Timothy 2.1-4 prayers for needs, wish prayers, interventions and thanksgivings must be made for everybody, from your neighbor to your king and president (all those in high places). This is an archmandate unfortunately overlooked or misunderstood by many christians. This command also comes with a promise: 'that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity.' Remember to do ALL FOUR KINDS OF PRAYERS!
Because the Lord, by the mouth of the apostle Paul, calls on us to pray and thank for people in high places, personally I do that also for the pope and his dignataries.