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Apostle Paul: "That the Word of God may find progress and be honored and that we may find an open door."

Contact Details for Institutio Scripturarum

If you desire to spread something from this website, then feel free to do so. However, if you want to do this on a large scale, let us know. We may suggest that you refer to the source. The purpose of our work is not to make a profit, but to make the timeless wisdom of the Bible available without cost. Therefore we offer our N.T.-Greek course as much as possible for free and when possible we give away literature without charging for it. We have received for free, we pass on gratis!

However, undersigned sinner considers himself unworthy of speaking up (let alone of receiving financial assistance) and therefore, of course, leaves it up to the wisdom and discretion of the reader what to do with the information contained in this site. But, yet, he feels constrained to bring various things to his own attention and to that of those that might be interested. Do not consider who speaks, but what is spoken...


Contact Us



Institutio Scripturarum
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