I was trying to work on a PH.D. on Thomas à Kempis and had made quite a few notes, but at a certain point realized that my notes were to general for a dissertation. That is why I am turning them into a book about Thomas, which must be mainly about his devotion to Christ. Also for Catholics, except for the odd Protestant remark, this must become a valuable book. Please pray for me that I may write something that may be of benefit for the readers.
I am imrpoving various English books for the umpteenth time. I mainly relied on active memory, but I really need those spelling programs!
I am shunting my English course in New Testament Greek, as of this writing (A.D. 2020). I had started to translate the second part from my Dutch course, but as there is hardly any interest I feel no motivation to carry this through for now. I am planning to turn some or more articles into vlogs and videos, as these are popular.
In this site I say a few things, among which, what must be in the ears of a Catholic, blasphemous accusations. I know that Paul did not insult the Ephesians or the Athenians, but he also said that what is wrong should be exposed. Elsewhere he implies that behind the gods and goddesses like Diana, there are demons that are active. Because of such teachings people like Alexander the silver smith, greatly opposed him. It was blasphemy in the eyes of the latter.
The apostle Paul called himself the most important sinner and like him I myself do not claim to be a saint. Only Christ could say: Who convicts me of sin!
Yet I believe that the Lord is using me to warn the Catholics, whether Roman, Greek or Russian (even the Copts). Personally I am planning nothing against the Vatican, but I fear the Lord is. On the contrary, I would like to be left alone, to pray for this universe.
I have been voicing some of my thoughts against Catholic doctrine for years and that has not been appreciated. Things have been complicated due to my mental condition, among which depression, fear and anxiety play a role. Sometimes, I admit, it looked like possession by demons. I am not going to defend myself in this regard.
Lately (2018) the stark implications of Bible texts like Many have been called, but few have been chosen have hit home on my soul. This means that when I go outside to the market and even when I visit a church, that most are lost forever! In answer to this I can only say to myself, with Abraham, Shall the Judge of all the earth not do justice?!
Given this reality, I can understand that people want to fight God. Which will prove to be futile. Nobody can beat the odds against the Almighty, Omniscient, Omnipresent and All-Holy God.
Given this reality I stand in silence and wonder how yet so much can be more or less OK. At this moment I tend to say to myself: Chris, just shut up, for you know nothing! And indeed the Lord says, by the mouth of the apostle Paul If somebody seems to know something, he does not yet know as he should know.
I am about to finish the layout of my English translation of the New Testament Greek course. Then I hope to switch from Word Perfect to Word, as the italiced Greek does not show in PDF's from Word Perfect
My first CD has been completed! (1 July 2012)
A beginning has been made to make some 'musick' and a little bit of 'art'! (9 May 2012)
Around this date (8th of August 2011) i am finally on my way to putting my ethical theology into writing. what began with a study over many years (from 1981 to this day; more or less interrupted from 1991 to 2010 [but with some continuity and a few improvements during those 20 years]), i now hope to realize in committing it to this website and eventually to a few books in English. i still have a large pile of notes, most of which were written between 1987 and 1991, based on previous notes made between 1980 and 1986 that were destroyed; but i rewrote all of it and in the process greatly improved them.
I don't know whether i can keep this blog up, we'll see
next year i hope to work on my english new testament greek course. have no idea how long it will take. probly several years to completion. will turn it into a book as well
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